There is a huge discrepancy between how people plan to work and what they actually produce. This causes a deep sense of dissatisfaction. In this text, I will explore the definitive solution to this problem.
But first, we must ask ourselves, why does this happen?
Well, quite simply, we could say that the state a person is in when they "plan" what they will do is different from the state they will be in when it "comes time" to do what they had "planned."
I put these expressions in quotes because they are not how we use them at 9Pomodoros. First, because planning is much more than making a to-do list. Second, because there is no "comes time" to do anything; the person decides when to do something.
But the problem with this situation lies in the total lack of understanding of the individual's state and the ignorance of the 4 phases of the day.
Your State and the 4 Phases of the Day
Certain things don't change; it's the same for every human being:
Everyone wakes up with more energy than they have when they go to sleep.
Everyone is more alert at the beginning of the day than at the end.
Everyone has more motivation when they start the day and less when they finish.
These levels work the same way for everyone.
It's like time; imagine the 24 hours of the day, starting at 0 hours, time begins to decrease, and the 24 hours of the day become 23, 22, 21...
At the end of the day, everyone has less time left in that day.
This is logical, but it seems that people forget this.
There is a reason for this happening.
Traditional productivity tends to try to expand these limits, often encouraging people to work late, put in more hours, motivate themselves more, and push their own limits.
This is not an intelligent approach. I will explain it in a very simple way, but without insulting your intelligence.
If our levels in the 4 pillars (TEAM) of productivity only decrease as the day progresses, it doesn't make sense to add more work hours at the end of the day.
If an individual wants performance improvement or wants to "produce more," what they need is to focus on putting more work hours at the beginning of the day when their levels are at their highest.
The solution is not to work later—never has been. Sorry to put it this way, but it's the pure truth.
The path to producing more is to wake up earlier. If you want to push the limits, instead of working later, on the contrary, wake up even earlier.
At 9Pomodoros, we have a morning routine that enables the elevation of the 4 pillars in the shortest possible time, so that the individual can wake up at any time they want and be fully ready to focus deeply and immediately.
Many people have woken up early in the past and sat in front of the computer, half asleep and half awake, and because of this, they began to believe that this is not the best path.
In fact, this is just a problem of approach; with a few simple steps, you can immediately elevate your cognitive levels and enter the flow without the feeling of drowsiness.
But that's not the purpose of this text. Let's talk about the 4 phases of the day.
The 4 Phases of the Day
We can understand the day in 4 phases:
🌊 Flow: This is your peak performance time. You're at your best, fully focused, and ready for the most important tasks.
🔥 Battle: Mid-morning, when you're still productive but may need extra focus and patience.
⚡️ Uphill: Mid-afternoon, where every step feels like an uphill battle. Choose tasks that require less focus.
🛋️ Downtime: End of the day, perfect for winding down while still being productive, like reading or taking a course.
The Expected Effort
Now that you know the 4 phases of the day, you can place each task in the most appropriate time for it. But another important aspect of planning is the effort required to complete the task.
🏋️♂️ Estimate the task's difficulty.
🟡 Easy: Simple tasks.
🟠🟠 Medium: Moderate difficulty.
🔴🔴🔴 Hard: Challenging tasks.
The Necessary Energy Level
Now that you know the required effort and the time of day, you can determine the energy level you need to complete the task.
🔋 Assess the energy level needed for the task.
🔴💻 HighEnergy: Requires full attention and effort.
🟠💻 MediumEnergy: Moderate effort.
🟡💻 LowEnergy: Minimal effort.
🟢💻 Relaxing: Tasks that are productive yet calming, suitable for your downtime.
The Priority
Knowing the priority of the task remains an important and necessary element for strategic planning.
🔝 Determine the task's urgency.
🔴 High: Must be done ASAP.
🟠 Medium: Important but not urgent.
🟡 Low: Can wait.
The Missing Element
And now we come to the missing element. How have we gone so long without this?
The Progress Bar:
◻️◻️◻️◻️ - 0%
◼️◻️◻️◻️ - 25%
◼️◼️◻️◻️ - 50%
◼️◼️◼️◻️ - 75%
◼️◼️◼️◼️ - 100%
From now on, you can say that you have defined all aspects of a task, and when you look at that same task in the future, you will have a much smoother experience completing it.
The 🗂️ 9P Stamp System is one of the elements of 9POS, and you can feel its power in a free course we have prepared for you.
In 🚀 JetPackPro, we'll teach you how to apply some principles of 9POS in your task manager. If you want to learn more... (coming soon)
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Written by Vinícius P. Breves
👑 The New King of Productivity
🥷 Productivity Expert
⚫️ Founder of 9Pomodoros
✍️ Philosopher & Writer